Группа Dreamlin - chill out и lounge, Минск, Беларусь. | review @ garageband.com dreamlin - freestyle electronics from belarus

  dreamlin - chill out и lounge, минск, беларусь

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 review @ garageband.com

   5465 days 16 hours ago (03:56)

What’s on Bit Mountain? And how does one find transport from these bedrooms, offices, and headphones to its digital silicone-topped peaks. What is the view from above?

With virtuous guitar playing and groove, sweet groove DreamLin performs a musical conversation between several elements. With moments of infinite regress time stuttering (where your mind falls in a repetitious hypnotic hole) and interaction of careful guitar, bass, and sequenced drums. It sounds as if there was some post-production editing that offers appeasement to ears bloodied from raucous anticlimaxes. Flow.

For a moment I hallucinate slight blows on a flute. In fact, a whole jazz band would not be out of place, jamming with DreamLin, throwing the phrases out like some musical conversation with Powerhouse «I got a telegram said your wife is dead» between the boys. That’s one thought of what this music is like.

Another thought belongs to you. There’s a sense of endless possibilities in this song, possibilities that may not yet have been accomplished here, in this particular artistic production—the song Bit Mountain. It’s as if there could be something more, something that sets the secrets into motion, the desire to climb as you’ve never climbed before, the inspiration to be all that you can be! To look from Bit Mountain and see… ethernety.

Bad joke. Good song. And try his others too.

d. Taylor Singletary

Charisma: 8.50
Technical Skill: 8.50
Structure: 8.00
Interest: 8.50
Performance: 9.00
Arrangement: 8.00
Recording Quality: 9.00
Long Term Appeal: 8.50

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