Группа Dreamlin - chill out и lounge, Минск, Беларусь. | Anin Planetari. Reviews from garageband.com dreamlin - freestyle electronics from belarus

  dreamlin - chill out и lounge, минск, беларусь

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Ключевое слово: anin planetri

записи 1-2 из 2 всего

 Anin Planetari. Reviews from garageband.com

   5362 days 13 hours ago (25.05.2004 08:29)

snappy atmosphere
chill in a place where everything coms to you in the form of your own personal drug….. think it, feel it, experience it…. imangine the pleasure….this is what this track creates…your own personal euphoria…. words of praise or critique don’t do enough for this track… the form is great and the sounds are stellar…….

nice sounds, has a good scratchiness to it, great bass sound, decent scratching. Really quite like this one.

Tha shiznit
Cool sounds. The sounds you use for beats are great. Could maybe do with more musical elements, strings/horns/vocals, that kind of thing. The decks sound fine. Who do you sound like… fcuk if I know. I could grab a trip-hop compilation and see if I can get specific… Good track, I enjoyed it. -C

Sounds like the wind whirling around; has a really eerie quality-rather haunting.

great Synth part once the shakers come in.
quirky goodness. very original. i don’t know who else sounds like this.

This is definitely different than the other stuff I’ve heard here. It’s an original sound, but it doesn’t yield itself to multiple plays. The sound is a bit harsh in my opinion. The 2 chords just play somewhat aimlessly in the background for most of the song. It’s good to be experimental; however this doesn’t sound congruent. You don’t sound like anyone to me. It sounds fresh.

Nice Mix
The cuts sounded nice, there were alot of interesting sounds in this track. The mixture worked out really well. I also liked the guitar sounds, I’m not sure who you sound like though

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 Анин Планетарий. Track Info.

   5452 days 13 hours ago (25.02.2004 07:39)
Анин Планетарий
Тут меня волнует вопрос: если нарисовать небо на потолке, стоит ли ждать затмения? Весьма глючное даунтемпо: скретчи, живой бас и хрустящие ударные. И не спрашивайте у меня, кто такая Аня, я и сам не знаю.

Писал его только Денис, Егор если и участвовал, то исключительно на предмет поругаться по поводу в процессе.
И скретчи с голосом — это Ленина голос. Что-то про власть.

Прямой ссылки на то, чтобы скачать mp3, нету. И, наверно, не будет. Качать можно с вот этих сайтов:
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Anin Planetari
(undescribable crazy trip hop)
A furious attempt to scratch the stars off the skies and beat them to XTC with crunchy drumkicks. But when the pads come in I hear people asking:"How on earth did you do that?" Did I dream this dream before? And wait… If you paint the sky on the ceiling, are you expecting an eclipse?
Credits: Denis — everything; Egor — lying on the sofa and making comments

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Ключевое слово: anin planetri

записи 1-2 из 2 всего

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dreamlin - chill out и lounge, минск, беларусь
и personal playground егора куновского

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  • Stars Alliance — информация о группе по состоянию на конец 2006го.
  • Red Groove. Информация о проекте.
  • English bio. Version 2007.
  • Промо-текст для группы Dreamlin. Версия за август 2009го года.
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