Группа Dreamlin - chill out и lounge, Минск, Беларусь. | Olive @ internetdj.com dreamlin - freestyle electronics from belarus

  dreamlin - chill out и lounge, минск, беларусь

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Ключевое слово: olive

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 Olive @ internetdj.com

   5279 days 16 hours ago (16.08.2004 05:47)
После большой такой паузы я тут зашел на страничку нашу на [ >>> ]
Оказалось, что там народ пишет к трекам вполне внятные ревьюшки:

Sounds like inbetween jazz-rock and dnb, mixed with some «mouse from mars» sounds.

Hello mate, Like the tune in general, Nice drums and pans. It give me a feel of comedy!! I don’t no weather that was on purpose or not but it works!!! Only thing i would say is that the mix sounds a bit thin on the low freq. Good tune.

i am feeling the comedy too, almost like the END of the cocktaial party.. ha ha i think it is surprisingly upbeat, and i really like the drums. there is complexity in them that you dont hear alot of times, just little flourishes that indicate you were thinking of that. i almost wish i could hear the rythm track under a completely different style of song. something more like KODO perhaps. i can not say i comprehend the loungy piano thing, so i wont critique it, but i do enjoy this one, so i will say… nice job

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 Olive. Track info.

   5448 days 13 hours ago (29.02.2004 07:04)
Народ говорит, что это nu jazz.
одетая музыка.
Написано Денисом.

Можно и в mp3 его скачать: Dreamlin — Olive (5.03M)

А вот что написали на raw42:
«Olive» Chillout/Lounge
warbling synth line opens this feel good track up. based around melodic synths and fairly frantic percussive based beats its a sure toe tapper.

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Ключевое слово: olive

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